SOME IMPORTANT INFO if you’ve been to your local club or RSL you will already know this most clubs are only letting members into the venue for traceability purposes during the COVID-19 crisis so be sure to become a member of (mounties group) so when Heaven returns you will not have a problem with getting in hopefully things will be back to normal next year but for this year we need to come together and look after each other and protect the well-being of our patrons by becoming a member you will receive discounts on drinks and meals and it will be $10 only for members at heaven social dance and non-members will be $15 so be sure to become a member now online it’s cheap and easy but you will have to pick up your membership before the end of the year from one of the seven venues for more information check out the link

NEWSFLASH – August 2020 the heaven social dance committee decided after discussions with Mounties group in regards to restrictions in place due to COVID -19 we have canceled the remaining dances for 2020 and the 30th January 2021.

NEWS FLASH – January 11th 2021 Due to COVID-19 We have postponed the 30th January and will return on the 27th March once they’ve rolled out a vaccination for COVID-19.