HEAVEN – Social Dance – Northmead
When : Sat 20th Jun 2009 (Charity Night ) From: 8:30pm – 1:30am
Where: The Northmead bowling Club . 166 windsor Rd , Northmead . (18+) (Mix)
Shows: 10.00pm – 11.00pm & 12.00am Presents : “Drag All Star Event” & Heaven 2st Birthday Party
Featuring : ”A Charity Fundraiser For The Western Suburbs Haven Inc.”
Entertainment: Beverly Buttercup, Gracie Lou, Lola del Arte, Sue Pernatural, Lulu Cumtwat, Ophelia Shaft, Christina Dior, Ida Slapda, Jessica Grabbit, Miss Willie.
Entry: Charity Night $10.00 Music/D.J : Danz Mobile D.J.
(The Western Suburbs Haven Inc, Supporting People Living With HIV & AIDS In Western Sydney) Ph: 9672-3600 Or www.thewesternsuburbshaven.com.au is a Registered Charity No.16069 we would like to say a big thank you to you all, especially our sponsor Tim for Acacia’s Catering And Matt From ACON, Sydney Star Observer.