Aussie Aussie Aussie Party 25 JAN 25

Aussie Aussie Aussie Party 25 JAN 25

Heaven Social Dance

We will celebrate the Australia day weekend with an Aussie Aussie Aussie Party

Hosted By Sandy Bottom + Sonya Knight & More T.B.C

with some great shows at 8pm and 10pm = Dress up and win some prizes or just come and dance the night away with Dj Shaft from 6pm to 11pm

*pre-sold tickets $10 1st Release(Nov) & $15 2nd Release (Dec/Jan) online or $20 cash & EFT on the door if not sold out online Simply go to Heaven’s website or scan the QR code in the poster tickets on sale www.heavensocialdance.com

Heaven Xmas Party/PopUP Talent 23NOV24.

Heaven Xmas Party/PopUP Talent 23NOV24.

* Hosted By : June Richards.

* Featuring : PopUP Talent at 8pm With Burger Queen , Hammo , Donna Ke’Baby.

Special Guests performance at 9pm & 10pm = AURORA ARSENIC & COCO FOX . 

* When : Sat 23 NOV 24. * From : 6:30pm – 11pm .

* Where : Lansvale United Sports Club, 21 Shortland St Canley Vale N.S.W 

* Shows : 7:30pm PopUP, 8:30pm & 9:30pm * D.j : Shaft. * Lighting By: Gary. 

Pre-Sold Tickets : $15 + bf from 01 Sep 24 to 22 Nov 24

www.trybooking.com/CSXQC or Heaven Website

$20 on the door – Cash or EFT

All More Info sms 0433232425 * SPONSORED BY: K2Media and 89.3fm

Theme: Overlay by Kaira